Togog is the son of god who was born before Semar, but being unable to protect the earth then returned to the home again Togog aka not so born. And at the same time was born Semar.
At the time of kadewatan told Sanghyang Wenang hold contest to choose the third ruler of heaven from her grandson that is Batara Antaga (Togog), Batara Ismaya (Semar) and Batara Manikmaya (Guru). For that contest held by the three grandchildren who can swallow and spew back Mount Jamurdipa then he would be elected as the ruler of heaven. On the first turn Batara Antaga (Togog) attempts to do so, but what happened instead mouths torn and so Dower because Togog one swallow active volcano and suddenly erupted when the mountain is located in the oral cavity Togog. Next turn is Batara Ismaya (Semar) did so, Mount Jamurdipa can be swallowed are round but can not be excluded anymore because Semar can not chew because his teeth fangs all, and be a potbellied Semar because there are mountains in it as we can see the character Semar in wayang kulit. Because the facility was destroyed contest swallowed Semar then entitled to win the contest and was appointed ruler kadewatan is Manikmaya or Sang Hyang Guru, the youngest grandson of Sang Hyang Wenang.
The Batara Antaga (Togog) and Batara Ismaya (Semar) finally sent down to marcapada (human world) to become advisers, and the civil prompter true meaning of human life and virtue, which in turn Semar elected officials for the knights good character (Pandavas ) and Togog sent as guardian for the knights with a bad temper.
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