Wednesday, April 8, 2015

List of puppet

List of puppet figures show the name that appears in the epic Ramayana and Mahabharata are often performed in a puppet show.

Deities puppet

Deities in the world of puppetry are gods who appear in the mythology of Hinduism in India, and adapted in Javanese culture.


  1. Sang Hyang Adhama
  2. Sang Hyang Sita
  3. Sang Hyang Nurcahya
  4. Sang Hyang Nurrasa
  5. Sang Hyang Wenang
  6. Sang Hyang Widhi
  7. Sang Hyang Tunggal
  8. Sang Hyang Rancasan
  9. Sang Hyang Ismaya
  10. Sang Hyang Manikmaya
  11. Batara Bayu
  12. Batara Brahma
  13. Batara Candra
  14. Batara Guru
  15. Batara Indra
  16. Batara Kala
  17. Batara Kresna
  18. Batara Kamajaya
  19. Batara Narada
  20. Batara Surya
  21. Batara Wisnu
  22. Batara Yamadipati
  23. Batari Durga
  24. Batara Kuwera
  25. Batara Cingkarabala
  26. Batara Balaupata
  27. Hyang Patuk
  28. Hyang Temboro

List of puppet characters that appear in the story Purwa (RA Kosasih)

The characters of Ramayana in Javanese wayang culture was taken and adapted from Hindu mythology in India.


  1. Anggada
  2. Anila
  3. Anjani
  4. Bharata
  5. Dasarata
  6. Hanoman
  7. Indrajit (Megananda)
  8. Jatayu
  9. Jembawan
  10. Kosalya
  11. Kumbakarna
  12. Aswanikumba
  13. Laksmana
  14. Parasurama
  15. Prahasta
  16. Rama Wijaya
  17. Rawana
  18. Satrugna
  19. Sita
  20. Subali
  21. Sugriwa
  22. Sumali
  23. Sumitra
  24. Surpanaka (Sarpakenaka)
  25. Trikaya
  26. Trijata
  27. Trinetra
  28. Trisirah
  29. Wibisana
  30. Wilkataksini
  31. Dewi Windradi

Characters in the Mahabharata Javanese wayang culture was taken and adapted from Hindu mythology in India.


  1. Abimanyu
  2. Resi Abyasa
  3. Amba
  4. Ambalika
  5. Ambika
  6. Antareja
  7. Antasena
  8. Arjuna
  9. Aswatama
  10. Baladewa
  11. Banowati
  12. Basupati
  13. Basudewa
  14. Bima
  15. Bisma
  16. Burisrawa
  17. Bayu
  18. Cakil
  19. Citraksa
  20. Citraksi
  21. Citrayuda
  22. Damayanti
  23. Dewayani
  24. Drona (Dorna)
  25. Drestadyumna
  26. Dretarastra
  27. Dropadi
  28. Durgandini
  29. Durmagati
  30. Dursala (Dursilawati)
  31. Dursasana
  32. Duryodana (Suyodana)
  33. Drupada
  34. Ekalawya
  35. Gatotkaca
  36. Gandabayu
  37. Gandamana
  38. Gandawati
  39. Indra
  40. Janamejaya
  41. Jayadrata
  42. Karna
  43. Kencakarupa
  44. Kertawarma
  45. Krepa
  46. Kresna
  47. Kunti
  48. Madri
  49. Manumanasa
  50. Matswapati
  51. Nakula
  52. Nala
  53. Niwatakawaca
  54. Pandu
  55. Parasara
  56. Parikesit
  57. Puru
  58. Rukma
  59. Rupakenca
  60. Sadewa
  61. Sakri
  62. Sakutrem
  63. Salya
  64. Sangkuni
  65. Samba
  66. Sanjaya
  67. Santanu
  68. Sarmista
  69. Satyabama
  70. Satyajit
  71. Satyaki
  72. Satyawati
  73. Srikandi
  74. Subadra
  75. Sweta
  76. Udawa
  77. Utara
  78. Utari
  79. Wesampayana
  80. Wicitrawirya
  81. Widura
  82. Wirata
  83. Wisanggeni
  84. Wratsangka
  85. Yayati
  86. Yudistira
  87. Yuyutsu

Punakawan is faithful helpers and caregivers Pandavas. In the shadow puppets, clown is most often appear in goro-goro, ie half pertujukan which often contains jokes and discourse.
  1. Semar
  2. Gareng
  3. Petruk
  4. Bagong
  5. Togog
ie round performances which often contains jokes and discourse.


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Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Togog is the son of god who was born before Semar, but being unable to protect the earth then returned to the home again Togog aka not so born. And at the same time was born Semar.
At the time of kadewatan told Sanghyang Wenang hold contest to choose the third ruler of heaven from her grandson that is Batara Antaga (Togog), Batara Ismaya (Semar) and Batara Manikmaya (Guru). For that contest held by the three grandchildren who can swallow and spew back Mount Jamurdipa then he would be elected as the ruler of heaven. On the first turn Batara Antaga (Togog) attempts to do so, but what happened instead mouths torn and so Dower because Togog one swallow active volcano and suddenly erupted when the mountain is located in the oral cavity Togog. Next turn is Batara Ismaya (Semar) did so, Mount Jamurdipa can be swallowed are round but can not be excluded anymore because Semar can not chew because his teeth fangs all, and be a potbellied Semar because there are mountains in it as we can see the character Semar in wayang kulit. Because the facility was destroyed contest swallowed Semar then entitled to win the contest and was appointed ruler kadewatan is Manikmaya or Sang Hyang Guru, the youngest grandson of Sang Hyang Wenang.
The Batara Antaga (Togog) and Batara Ismaya (Semar) finally sent down to marcapada (human world) to become advisers, and the civil prompter true meaning of human life and virtue, which in turn Semar elected officials for the knights good character (Pandavas ) and Togog sent as guardian for the knights with a bad temper.

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Friday, December 19, 2008

Wayang BEBER

Movies are several puppet art that appear and develop in Java in the pre-Islamic and is still developing in certain areas on the island of Java. , Called a puppet because the form of several slabs slabs (explanation), which formed a prominent figure in the story of the puppet both the Ramayana and Mahabharata.

Come by the Guardians of the Sunan Kalijaga several puppet this modified form of a puppet with the skin form of a ornamentik known now, because the teachings of Islam forbid images of living beings (human, animal) and sculptures of figures and given that no additional the puppet master copy (the original puppet with Indian leaders) are Semar and children and Puskas Hyang Kalimusada. Movies result of the modification of the guardian is used to spread the teachings of Islam and that we know now. Note also that the first several Movies and the original is still up to now can still be seen. Movies that several original can be seen in Pacitan, Donorojo, this puppet be held by someone who is trusted generations maintain and will not be held by the descendants of people from different because they believe that it is a noble mandate that must be maintained.

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