Friday, November 28, 2008

leather puppet madya shadow

leather puppet madya shadow play that created by mangkunegara iv as penyambung leather puppet story purwa with leather puppet gedog. leather puppet story madya be story transition purwa to banner story. one of [the] leather puppet story madya famous story anglingdarma. leather puppet madya not sempat bloom outside balinese temple environment mangkunegaran.
leather puppet story madya narated since pass away it prabu yudayana until prabu jayalengkara coronate. leather puppet story madya written by r. ngabehi tandakusuma with title pakem ringgit madya that consist of five volumes, and every full volume 20 stories or lakon.

figure in leather puppet madya
batik madrim
wil maricikunda

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Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Gatotkaca time borns, gatotkaca extant giant nameds putut tutuka. but when at kahyangan happen problem because invaded giant troop that led sakipu, gods borrows tutuka to bima. then gatotkaca win and get three presents from in god.

Grand price brevet aviator nameds" kotang antakusuma" make gatotkaca can fly swiftly without evoke supersonic explosion. second present hat nameds hat of farmer basunanda, has when does hot not feel hot miracle and rain doesn't be wet. third present, shaped shoe" in kacarma" has miracle will not accursed although across sacred regions. that book author commentates self such: " if age now, approximately like to wear astronaut. " may be, ably fly fast that, gatotkaca want patron motorcycle helmet and special shoe. . . .

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Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Bilung a little giant that pals punakawan, he is friend from togog and where which always both. bilung described as figure from outside java that is malay. bilung frequently use java mixture language malay. every come in contact with petruk always challenge to fight take outside cocadoodledoo voice likes fighting cock. but once striken by petruk he is direct loses cry. in a few leather puppet story, bilung name that other tokun this is sometimes bilung impersonate to be punakawan that take side enemy. usually bilung will give good input to the boss. but when does the input not listened by the boss, he will turn to give various bad input.

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Monday, November 17, 2008


Aryan sengkuni the young time nameds trigantalpati second son prabu gandara, country king gandaradesa with goddess queen gandini.
aryan sengkuni has three blood brother each named goddess gandari, aryan surabasata and aryan gajaksa.
aryan sengkuni get married with goddess sukesti, daughter prabu keswara country king plasajenar.
from marriage he gets three sons nameds; antisura/aryan aryan surakesti, aryan surabasa and goddess antiwati then memperistri aryan udawa, patih country dwarawati.
aryan sengkuni has characterization character; swiftly, silver-tongued, bad heart, envious and sly.
aryan sengkuni bot only expert in strategy and government order with ketatanegaraan, but also capable in process keprajuritan.
aryan sengkuni has extant heritage cis (=tombak short to rule elephant) that has merit can evoke when be implanted to the ground water.
in action bharatayuda, aryan sengkuni lifted to be senapati great kurawa after fall it prabu salya, country king mandaraka.
aryan sengkuni die considerably sadden on-hand bima.
the body is peeled and the skin is given to goddess kunti to liquidate the oath.
corpse sakuni then crush with bludgeon rujakpolo.

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Thursday, November 13, 2008

why there punakawan?

Figure punakawan that consist of semar, nala gareng, petruk, and bagong, figures always menunggu-tunggu in every leather puppet presentation at java. actually, in original leather puppet story there is no figure punakawan. punakawan only" soft language" and " communicative language" created by sunan/guardians at java soil. figures punakawan made in such a manner medekati multifarious java society condition kind. guardians in islamic religion distribution always see condition masyarakat--baik from also from culture that bloom moment that. leather puppet is a effective media to submits this mission. but, guardians looks at that leather puppet story that carried from country originally, indians, obvious a lot smell hindu, animism, and menamisme. they also see pakem indians leather puppet less communicative. only asked to sit quiet see the mastermind perfomings lakon. sure not everybody want to enjoy scenes by scene a kind of this all night long. so, guardians creats a figure sekira can to communicate with onlooker, flexibleer, can to accommodate onlooker aspiration, funny, and above all, in perfoming figures punakawan this the mastermind can freeer submit the mission because can not too bound in pakem.

Figure punakawan memainkkan in session flutter. if payed accurately there resemblance in every puppetplays between one lakon and lakon other. in every leather puppet game beginning usually there is no scene bunuh-membunuh between tokoh-tokoh up to lakon flutter perfominged. why? in javanese philosophy, this matter is interpretted that don't our emotion memperturutkan in overcomes every problem. do all quietly, without pertumpahan blood, and major meeting. cermati formerly existing problem, don't conclude before detect the problem. when lakon flutter finished perfominged, then there scene that describe battle and pertumpahan blood. that can be interpretted that if meeting can not be done so there is a way of other that be goed in maintained truth. in islam even also, every religious proselytizing that done must use stages not differ from existing stages in the world of perwayangan this. in invite in truth/prevent kemungkaran, proselytizers initially must give warning (bi lisani) well; otherwise want, send a warning hardly; otherwise want, we can use our maximal ability in strive for penega truth (belong jihad, may be). well, lakon flutter describe crystal clear or open all errors, from dimly appear clear. this be a result from a famous prayer allahuma arinal haqa warzuknat tibaa wa'arinal bathila warzuknat tinaba. [yes allah tunjuki true appear true and give to me strength to run it, and tunjuki wrong appear wrong and give strength to me to avoid it. all be clear which true and wrong. up to end from leather puppet story, the figures that reside in white stripe will beat battle will oppose crime, after genuinely detect which true road and understand the problem.

figure name meaning

does meaning that implied in every figure punakawan this? let us perceive one by one:

semar: the original this figure comes from arabian language ismar. in word java tongue is--biasa read se. take example istambul be setambul. ismar mean nail. this figure is made pengokoh (nail) towards all existing truths or as. advicer in look for truth towards all problem. nail here can also memfungsikan as alive guide, pengokoh human life. what pengokoh that human life? bone other than religion. so that, semar not figure that mempuja, but creation semar only symbolization creation from religion as alive principle every people haves.

nala gareng: also mengadaptasi from arabic words naala qariin. in also word naala qariin be nala gareng. word naala qariin, mean to get many friends, this is as according to religious proselytizing guardians as religious proselytizing expert to get as much as possible friend (people) to return kejalan allah the almighty and most worthy of praise with wise attitude and good hope.

petruk: mengadaptasi from word fatruk. this word is base word from a mysticism advice that sound: fat-ruk kulla maa siwallahi, with the meaning: leave all anything besides allah. advice then be character guardians and missionary at that time. petruk also often called kanthong perforated mean hollow pocket. the meaning that every human must menzakat the treasure and extradite the body soul to allah the almighty and most worthy of praise sincerely, selfless and sincere, like the perforated pocket without hindrance.

bagong: come from word baghaa that mean to struggle. that is struggle towards evil and keangkaramurkaan. in version other word bagong come from baqa that mean eternal or eternal, will mean all only eternal alive after at hereafter later. only allegorized to call on ngombe world (merely call on to drink).

figures punakawan also functioned as pamomong (nurse) for another leather puppet figure. in principle every human wants the name pamomong, remember the weak human. pamomong can be interpretted also as patron. every human should always ask protection to allah the almighty and most worthy of praise, as introspection attitude towards all weakness in self. here's attitude philosophy pamomong that described by figures punakawan.

how does lamentable if several figures punakawan like semar mempuja-puji within reason god by partly belief follower. while all existing figures only is creation guardians to symbolize a conditon in their religious proselytizing mission distributes islam. for example semar told as a god (bathara ismaya elder brother bathara teacher) that go down to earth with incarnate to be human usually to run a holy mission. this matter is actually enough correct to describes allah manner the almighty and most worthy of praise demote islam in mankind without present direct allah figure as god on earth. undoubtedly all humans will be islam, if direct allah distributes islam under the sun. then at where does human independence location, if it does? human is let to choose all existing teachings. remember, human is given freedom to determine the destiny later at hereafter, as according to the choice at world. so, figure semar as god even also must be transforminged as human figure formerly, for permanent watch over human god's will as free creature chooses. look at also word semar badranaya. badra mean happiness and naya mean policy. to aim happiness, that is by lead people wisely and drive it to beribadah to allah the almighty and most worthy of praise. country stable if semar bersemayam at turtle stable hermitage. the meaning hold penyuwunan (penyu-) or allah presence request the almighty and most worthy of praise. religious proselytizing mission that consist in here, told and interpretted self the meaning by the maker that is guardians.

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Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Cakil be a giant with jaw under longer than jaw on. this figure is java innovation and can not be met at indians.

in a puppetplays, cakil always deal with arjuna and or figure satria bew goes in flower war scene. this figure only is figure humoristis not serious but actually cakil symbolize figure bever give up and always struggle up to end blood points because in action flower cakil always killed because the kris self.

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In age Gods told god wenang hold prize contest to choose administrator kahyangan from third the grandchild that is bathara antaga (togog), bathara ismaya (semar) and bathara manikmaya (bathara teacher), for that prize contest mendakan by whoever from third the grandchild can gulp bulat2 and will vomit up to return mount jamurdipa so succumbed that chosen will be administrator kahyangan. in first turn bathara antaga (togog) tries to do so, but that even torn the mouth and so dower such as those which can we see in character togog now, turn next bathara ismaya (semar) that do it, mount jamurdipa can be gulped round but can not be taked again, and roger semar berperut distended caused by mount mendalamnya like can we see in character semar in shadow play. because prize contest tool destroyed has been gulped semar so rightful claimant has beatten prize contest and lifted to be administrator kadewatan the hyang manikmaya or bathara teacher, the youngest in the family grandchild from the hyang wenang.

as to bathara antaga (togog) and bathara ismaya (semar) final delegated to go down to earth (human world) to be adviser, and life true meaning prompter guardian and virture in human, which is on final semar chosen as guardian to knights berwatak good (pandawa)dan togog delegated as guardian to knights with bad character.

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