Monday, November 17, 2008


Aryan sengkuni the young time nameds trigantalpati second son prabu gandara, country king gandaradesa with goddess queen gandini.
aryan sengkuni has three blood brother each named goddess gandari, aryan surabasata and aryan gajaksa.
aryan sengkuni get married with goddess sukesti, daughter prabu keswara country king plasajenar.
from marriage he gets three sons nameds; antisura/aryan aryan surakesti, aryan surabasa and goddess antiwati then memperistri aryan udawa, patih country dwarawati.
aryan sengkuni has characterization character; swiftly, silver-tongued, bad heart, envious and sly.
aryan sengkuni bot only expert in strategy and government order with ketatanegaraan, but also capable in process keprajuritan.
aryan sengkuni has extant heritage cis (=tombak short to rule elephant) that has merit can evoke when be implanted to the ground water.
in action bharatayuda, aryan sengkuni lifted to be senapati great kurawa after fall it prabu salya, country king mandaraka.
aryan sengkuni die considerably sadden on-hand bima.
the body is peeled and the skin is given to goddess kunti to liquidate the oath.
corpse sakuni then crush with bludgeon rujakpolo.

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