Monday, April 7, 2008


Arjuna name a figure protagonis in epic mahabharata. he is known as the pandawa winsome the face and the mind gentle. he is child prabu pandudewanata, king at hastinapura with Dewi Kunti or Dewi Prita, that is daughter prabu surasena, dynasty king yadawa at mandura. arjuna be close friend kresna, that is awatara (incarnation) bhatara wisnu that go down to world by resque world from crime. arjuna also be wrong one who sempat watching" universal form" kresna approach bharatayuddha go on. he also gets bhagawadgita or " saint song" , that is holy advice that is submitted by kresna to it a moment before bharatayuddha go on because arjuna still respect to carry out duty

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